photographer Beckenham newborn maternity birth
photographer Beckenham newborn maternity birth
photographer Beckenham newborn maternity birth
photographer Beckenham newborn maternity birth

Hey everyone, it’s me, Deborah! 

Today’s Blog post is about Changes. 

For a couple of months now I have been feeling stuck and not motivated at all, I knew that after our family vacation I needed to put my s*** together and focus more on my business. I feel that everyone at the moment is achieving something, doing something, talking about something, and me…well, me myself and I are only focused on “surviving”! 

When I talk about surviving I’m talking about surviving life in general. I’m often with too many tabs open and try to do 1000 things at the same time and sometimes can be exhausting leading to an overwhelming feeling.

Now that September is here I decided to focus on my business. My youngest will start reception and that means that I’m official without any children during the day ( hooray 🎉) having more time for sessions and client meetings! 

After my amazing Power hour with the lovely Hannah ( @hannahbphotographyuk ), we concluded that I need to be focusing more on Birth photography and my Doula services after all I’m a Doula with more than 10 years of experience and my knowledge and services are valuable for future parents! I also had a quick reality check and realized that I’m charging way too low for the quality of my services (price increases heads-up). 

Another not-so-exciting change is that you will be seeing me more often on Instagram, stories, and posts, something that I struggle a little bit as I’m more of a behind-the-camera girl 😆 so be gentle with me while I try to figure out how I can do that without offending anyone.

Last but not least, thank you to all my clients that been supporting my business over the years, and a huge Welcome to all the new ones…I can’t wait to make some magic with you!!

How do you feel about changes? How do you deal with the overwhelming feelings?

Please leave your comments on my last post on Instagram @deborahtphotography

